Jenna Basso Pietrobon

Restore, Rebuild
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Break the Mold
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A Likeness
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The Fair Sex
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, Jenna Basso Pietrobon is an artist who fearlessly explores society through her personal experiences. She offers a of political, economic, and social systems, using a blend of painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, design, psychology, performance, and activism. When attending her Masters in Fine Arts at Columbia University in New York two of her professors, and had a large impact on the trajectory of her practice. After graduating this program in 2017, Basso Pietrobon moved to her to explore the culture and histories which impacted her life. Here she further explored producing art using from factories across the country. After dissecting the histories in Italy and transferring them through art, Basso Pietrobon's practice has grown and expanded to global issues and missions. Her practice is categorized using different points that she refers to as the Agenda.

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